Menglin Yang




Background. I am currently an assistant professor at Thrust of Artificial Intelligence at HKUSTGZ. I am also an Affiliated Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. I was a Postdoc at Yale University, working with Prof. Rex Ying. Before that, I obtained my Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Irwin King (IEEE & ACM Fellow).

Information about PhD student recruitment can be found on pages in Chinese Version, or English Version.

If you represent a company and seek collaboration, kindly e-mail me.

Research Interests. My research is primarily focused on exploring the connection and alignment between the learning space, especially the hyperbolic space, and the underlying geometries, structures, and patterns in different types of data.

Recently, I have been working on the following topics:

(1) Large Language Models, Multi-modal Foundation Models, and Non-Euclidean Geometries for Foundation Models

(2) Hyperbolic Representation && Deep learning, Graph and Geometric learning, and GraphRAG

(3) Recommender Systems and Network Science

(4) AI4SCI(including biomed and material science)

Feel free to reach out to menglin.yang[at] or digailab[at] if you have anything you would like to discuss.

New papers, blogs, and books on hyperbolic representation and deep learning topics are shared in the following slack channel and GitHub repo. Welcome to join and share more on this fascinating research:

Selected Publications

  1. KDD ’24
    Menglin Yang, Harshit Verma, Delvin Ce Zhang, Jiahong Liu, Irwin King, and Rex Ying
    KDD, 2024
  2. Preprint ’24
    Menglin Yang, Aosong Feng, Bo Xiong, Jiahong Liu, Irwin King, and Rex Ying
    Preprint, 2024
  3. ICML ’23
    Menglin Yang, Min Zhou, Rex Ying, Yankai Chen, and Irwin King
    ICML, 2023
  4. KDD ’22
    Menglin Yang, Zhihao Li, Min Zhou, Jiahong Liu, and Irwin King
    KDD, 2022
  5. WWW ’22
    Menglin Yang, Min Zhou, Jiahong Liu, Defu Lian, and Irwin King
    WWW, 2022
  6. KDD ’21
    Menglin Yang, Min Zhou, Marcus Kalander, Zengfeng Huang, and Irwin King
    KDD, 2021